SMP Law Awarded CBRB Best Businesses In Canada For the Past 4 Years!



SMP Law is on a hot streak! We have consistently received for the past 4 years the award from Canadian Business Review Board for maintaining a 4+ Star Google Rating. This is in addition to receiving for the second year in row, the ThreeBest award for one of the Top 3 Best Family Lawyers in Mississauga.

SMP Law is proud to have earned the Canadian Business Review Board award which is only presented to businesses that have maintained a 4+ star Google review rating or equivalent proof of customer satisfaction.

The CBRB Canadian Business Review Board Inc. award confirms that SMP Law meets strong consumer satisfaction standards.

SMP Law is proud of our high standard of customer service and we will strive to keep improving!

SMP Law is always here to help SiMPlify your legal matter and answer any of your questions. Contact us anytime at SMP Law to help SiMPlify your legal matter at 905-565-9494 or email info@smplaw.ca if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment to meet and discuss your situation and how we can help.


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