SMP Law had a great night at the Over "N" Under Car Show on September 29, 2019! We saw some familiar faces and met a few new folks while we hosted a barbeque and handed out calendars.
Spouses often give each other jewelry as a sign of affection. It is given as gifts for holidays, offered as an apology for transgressions, and wedding sets are exchanged. But what happens to the jewelry when you separate?
SMP Law is happy to once again join the Over “N” Under Car Club as a sponsor for the 2019 season! SMP Law’s Sponsor Day is happening on September 22, 2019 at the Over “N” Under Car Club!
SMP had the pleasure of sponsoring the excellent production of 12 Angry Men at Drayton Entertainment - Hamilton Family Theatre Cambridge. It was a very thought provoking performance of twelve jurors who are responsible for deciding the fate of a teenager who is accused of the murder of his father.