Make Sure Your Wishes are Followed – Plan Ahead!

Here at SMP Law we believe in keeping things as SiMPle as possible.  One key component to keeping things SiMPle is planning ahead.  Planning ahead when organizing your estate matters is particularly important to ensure your wishes are followed.

SMP Law Excited to be Sponsoring Milton Magic Soccer!

Shawn Philbert of SMP Law is very excited to be coaching this year for Milton Magic Soccer!  The season has begun and SMP Law looks forward to having fun, teaching new skills and being part of the community.

Access Time With Your Children – How Much is Enough?

No amount of access time feels like enough time with your children. During a separation, sorting out custody and access can be very difficult. Parents can get so caught up in fighting for maximum time with their child(ren) that they can forget that the focus should be what is best for the child(ren).
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