Ontario Introduces an Amendment to the Family Law Act

Following our blog “Is Child Support Available for a Child over 18 years old?” came the news that Ontario is introducing an Amendment to the Family Law Act that would make all adult children with disabilities eligible for child support.

Ways to Communicate with your Ex Over the Holidays (or anytime really!)

As the holidays get closer, there can be many things to discuss regarding the custody and access of your children. Even in situations where communication is normally not problematic with your ex, the holidays can sometimes be a stressful time making communication with an ex partner particularly difficult.

Winner of the Mississauga Steelheads 4 Platinum Seats!

It is our pleasure at SMP Law to announce that Raffle ticket #91 won 4 Platinum Seats to the Mississauga Steelheads. We want to thank all those who filled out a raffle ticket at the October 6th SMP Law Sponsor Game Night.
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