SMP Law – Facebook Group – Informative or Interfering?

Recently, CBC News posted an article about a Facebook group warning women about specific men in online dating profiles. These private Facebook groups have been created as a way to share negative details about men they may have dated to help protect other women from these men.

SMP Law – Solicitor-Client Privilege

When preparing your legal documents you are required to provide evidence of the facts you present. Emails have become a more common form of evidence in court documents, however, you must be cautious what emails you include as part of your evidence.

Beware of Buyer Turnoffs!

Checkout what Hi.Tech Real Estate posted in their recent newsletter about buyer turnoffs when selling your home. Make sure to address these common turn-offs so buyers don’t run for the door!

SMP Law Honours Orange Shirt Day

SMP Law honours Orange Shirt Day for Truth and Reconciliation. SMP Law is wearing orange today to remember the Indigenous children whose lives were lost at residential schools. We honour the victims, survivors and the families and communities impacted.

SMP Law – Parental Alienation and Intimate Partner Violence

As the term “parental alienation” is gaining popularity in the court system, it is becoming more and more important to ensure that the term does not mask intimate partner violence (IPV). Unfortunately, the defense to a parental alienation allegation can sometimes be misused to draw attention away from IPV, with detrimental results for families and children experiencing IPV.
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