It’s essential to know your credit score before you start shopping for a home. The home of your dreams has finally hit the market! You anticipate it’ll be easy to get a mortgage but if your credit's not in great shape, your dream home may remain just a dream. Check out what you can do to help.

SMP Law – Update on Unconscionability

In 2020, SMP Law wrote a post about dividing property and SMP Law was successful in the Superior Court case where the court agreed with my client that it was unconscionable to award his spouse 50% of the property and assets. Instead she only received 10% of the assets and property that she was seeking.

SMP Law and the Community

SMP Law has always enjoyed being a part of the community. We have a long history of supporting our community and even going out and getting involved. In the past, we have sponsored the Mississauga Steelheads, the Over N Under Car Club, Wi Canadian, Drayton Entertainment and Pool for School. 
Remembrance Day

SMP Law Honours Remembrance Day

SMP Law honours Remembrance Day by taking a moment of silence to remember the courage and sacrifice of those who have served and continue to serve our country. Today is the 100th Anniversary of the Remembrance poppy in Canada.

Get An Evaluation….On the House!

Your home is likely your biggest asset so it’s important to keep tabs on its value. Pricing your property is both an art and a science and if you’re looking to sell your home, it’s critical that you get it right from the start rather than adjusting the price later on.