SiMPle Storage Solutions!

Checkout what Will Yohana from Cloud Realty and in their March 2021 Newsletter has to say about storage space. People are putting a high value on storage these days so every square inch counts!

SMP Law’s Client is Awarded over $80,000 in Total Cost!

SMP Law wins Court of Appeal case and SMP Law’s client is awarded over $80,000 in total cost! SMP Law was successful in arguing that our client was entitled to an unequal division of the matrimonial property due to the short length of the parties’ marriage.

SMP Law Presentation at RBC – Wills and Estate Planning

Shawn Philbert of SMP Law, presented on Wills and Estate Planning on a webinar hosted by RBC on March 10, 2021. The presentation included some current changes to wills and estate planning and things to consider when drafting a will and planning your estate. 

International Women’s Day!

SMP Law celebrates International Women's Day! This year the theme is #ChooseToChallenge so SMP Law encourages everyone to choose to challenge themselves to participate in a gender equal world!