When you're out on the hunt for the perfect home in K-W, you'll be faced with countless decisions. One of the first things to consider is whether you’d prefer a newer home or an older home.
Custody reversal refers to the removal of children from one parent into the sole custody of the other parent – either temporarily or permanently. This court ordered decision can occur for a variety of reasons, one of them being in severe cases of parental alienation.
You only get one chance to make a great first impression when selling your home! When you put your home on the market, your goal is to sell it quickly and for the most amount of money possible. Properly staging your home will create an amazing first impression that will generate a huge buzz!
SMP Law is a proud sponsor of the Over “N” Under Car Club - again! We continue to enjoy sponsoring such a fun organization and see all of the fantastic automobiles and to meet some great people who share a passion for cars.
The historical arrangement of parenting time being only every other weekend and one evening during the week for a parent is not the only option and in many cases not a preferred option. There are many variations to what your parenting time can look like, and you can be creative with this as long as you keep in mind the best interests of your child(ren).