Dream Homes Really Do Come True! Cloud Realty

It’s easy for homebuyers to get frustrated, especially in this market, so it’s important to start off with a solid plan and a positive mindset. Will Yohana shares a few points to consider before you head out hunting for homes.

Can children choose to vaccinate themselves if they are over 12?

Vaccinating against Covid continues to be a hotly debated topic. Protests continue to occur against covid vaccinations. What is certain is that people are clear in their decision on whether to vaccinate or not. What about when children are clear in their decision to vaccinate or not vaccinate?

SMP – Happy Birthday!

Our fearless leader has now reached a milestone - The SMP of SMP Law is now 50 Years Old! The entire staff of SMP Law is thrilled to wish Shawn a very happy birthday and cheers to a great year!