SMP Law celebrates International Women's Day! This year the theme is #ChooseToChallenge so SMP Law encourages everyone to choose to challenge themselves to participate in a gender equal world!
As Black History Month rounds to a close, I would like to emphasize the importance of acknowledging that focusing on Black history is not a one month a year thing, and it is not just Black history, it is SiMPly history. The more we view the historic acts of people of colour the more we can grow as a person, a community, and as a country.
We’re spending more time at home than ever before so creating more living space for extra privacy is on everyone’s mind. Basements are a great option but low ceilings and limited light can sometimes make it a hard spot to retreat to.
Your ex has recently traveled out of the country and has now returned and would like to resume access with a child that you share access with. Your ex tells you that there is no reason for you to deny access as he/she has no symptoms and is feeling fine but you are not feeling comfortable with the risk. What do you do?