A Guide For Self-Represented Litigants During COVID-19


Not everyone seeks to retain a lawyer for their legal matter. Some of the reasons for this include: they feel they can handle their matter on their own, they feel they cannot afford a lawyer, they feel their legal matter is SiMPle or they just are not sure either way and want to give it a try.


During COVID-19, many protocols in legal matters have changed and continue to change quite rapidly. SMP Law is happy to provide FREE telephone consultations which may get you started thinking about how to go about your legal matter, especially during COVID-19. The Ontario Court of Justice has also provided a resource for self-represented litigants: A Guide for Self-represented Family Litigants During COVID-19 that answers questions and provides guidance for self-represented litigants. The link also provides a variety of useful resources.


Contact us anytime at SMP Law to help SiMPlify your legal matter at 905-565-9494 or email info@smplaw.ca if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment to meet and discuss your situation and how we can help.


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