SMP Law – Travel and Access With Children During COVID


What Happens With Access if My Ex has Traveled?

Consider the following scenario:

Your ex has recently traveled out of the country and has now returned and would like to resume access with a child that you share access with. Your ex tells you that there is no reason for you to deny access as he/she has no symptoms and is feeling fine. You know that access for children with parents has been allowed to continue during COVID restrictions. Your ex reminds you that you are at risk every day when you go to work so it is technically the same thing. All of this does not feel right with you, given your ex has traveled out of the country. You want to deny access, however, you do not want to breach an order for access.

What do you do?

SMP Law suggests ensuring you are up-to-date on the current protocols. The following links may help you make a decision regarding the quarantine protocols.

Justice Laws Website

Mandatory Quarantine Requirements

SMP Law is always here to help SiMPlify your legal matter and answer any of your questions. Contact us anytime at SMP Law to help SiMPlify your legal matter at 905-565-9494 or email if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment to meet and discuss your situation and how we can help.


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