Parenting arrangements have been historically referred to as custody and access. There has been much confusion about what custody and access means to parents and families and often these terms are used incorrectly.
SMP Law and Marriage Contracts - SMP Law is always here to help if you have any questions. Contact us anytime at SMP Law to help SiMPlify your legal matter at 905-565-9494 or email if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.
As businesses open and life begins to return to "normal", here at SMP Law we thought we would share some of our favourite previous posts that continue to be important topics.
Anyone who has been to court will be familiar with the term “cost”. At every court appearance you are entitled to seek the amount it cost you to prepare and be at court. So if you had a lawyer representing you then you would be entitled to request your legal fees from the other party in what is called a “cost order”.
The law allows for situations that will permit an unequal division. In a recent case the Superior Court agreed with my client that it was unconscionable to award his spouse 50% of the property and assets.