Separation and Divorce in the COVID-19 Era

As the trauma of COVID-19 continues to unfold, people are just doing their best to deal with the current circumstances. We all continue to try to navigate how to manage safely during these stressful times - do not even get me started on the issue of toilet paper that continues to rage on.

COVID-19 has Suspended my Supervised Access! What Happens Now?

Supervised access with families is based on having access to a location for a visit, typically a supervised access centre and the employed supervisors that are there to assist and monitor the visits. With everything being shut down for at least a two week period, what happens to scheduled supervised access visits?

HELP! My spouse took my kids out of the country without my permission!

The Government of Canada defines an international child abduction as occurring "when a parent, guardian or other person with lawful care of charge of a child removes that child from Canada, or retains that child outside Canada, without either the legal authority or permission of a parent who has full or joint custody rights."
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