Is it a Gift or a Loan?

When determining whether you or your spouse received gift or a loan from a third party, the court will look at the surrounding factors, such as whether there are actions or documents to support either position.

SMP Law’s 2019 Year in Review!

Happy New Year! As we reflect on 2019 and move into 2020, we take a brief look at some of SMP Law’s case results for 2019. SMP Law had some memorable cases in 2019 and we look forward to 2020!

Access Time With Your Children – How Much is Enough?

No amount of access time feels like enough time with your children. During a separation, sorting out custody and access can be very difficult. Parents can get so caught up in fighting for maximum time with their child(ren) that they can forget that the focus should be what is best for the child(ren).
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