Our fearless leader has now reached a milestone - The SMP of SMP Law is now 50 Years Old! The entire staff of SMP Law is thrilled to wish Shawn a very happy birthday and cheers to a great year!
Although we are in Black History Month, I wanted to remind everyone that focusing on Black History should not be just one month but all year long. We need to continue to raise awareness of the historic acts of people of colour to begin to break down the embedded misconceptions of the history of our country.
Being cheated on by your spouse is generally not a topic people like to think about. Covid and technology have made it more difficult than ever to cheat on your spouse. We think it will never happen to us. But what if it does and the marriage is not reconcilable and now you want a divorce?
SMP Law is wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday! Please be advised that SMP Law will be closed for the Christmas Holidays effective 12:00 p.m. on Friday December 17, 2021 through to 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 4, 2022.
The current guidelines indicate that civil appeals, criminal solicitor appeals and oral panel motions would return to in person attendance. Lawyers and self-represented people may appear virtually by zoom if they prefer. Check out SMP Law's tips on returning to court in person.