SMP Law – Parenting Plans – Part Two – Parenting Time Schedule

The historical arrangement of parenting time being only every other weekend and one evening during the week for a parent is not the only option and in many cases not a preferred option. There are many variations to what your parenting time can look like, and you can be creative with this as long as you keep in mind the best interests of your child(ren).

SMP Law – Parenting Plans Series – What Is A Parenting Plan?

When in the middle of a separation or divorce, if you are working with a lawyer, you will likely be asked “what do you envision your parenting plan moving forward?” This can be a very overwhelming question and difficult to even begin to imagine what you would like to see in your parenting plan. The following posts in this series will break down specific parts of a parenting plan with the goal of providing insight into creating an effective parenting plan.