What is Parental Alienation?

What is Parental Alienation?

Parental Alienation Syndrome was a term coined by Richard Gardner in 1987.  According to Richard Gardner (1999 p.97) “one parent (the alienator, the alienating parent, the PAS-inducing parent) induces a program of denigration against the other parent (the alienated parent, the victim, the denigrated parent)”.

In child custody disputes, Parental Alienation is a term that can be brought up between the parents as they attempt to navigate their way through custody and access issues.  Understanding what parental alienation is and how it can impact your children can be confusing and frustrating.  Contact SMP Law at 905-565-9494 for any questions you may have regarding parental alienationSMP Law is here to help you!


[Source: Richard A. Gardner. (1999)  “Differentiating between Parental Alienation Syndrome and Bona-fide Abuse-Neglect.” The American Journal of Family Therapy, 27 (2), 97-107.]